
Succession Planning with The Farmer Network

Farmers – succession or retirement?

Thanks to The Cumbria Farmer Network for inviting John Cooke and Nicola Steadman to speak at their recent event at The Crooklands Hotel, along with Rob Hitch from Dodd & Co Chartered Accountants.

Lots for everyone in the room to think about and useful for other members of our team who were present.

Our top 5 takeaways were:

  • Have those discussions – sooner rather than later, before they become difficult ones!
  • No one size fits all – what decision might give IHT tax savings, might not be best for income tax. Speak to your accountant!
  • Work out who actually owns the land you are farming – might not be what you have always assumed!
  • Think about getting unregistered land registered now, rather than wait until everything else need sorting out.
  • And finally… everyone needs a Power of Attorney! Particularly if you are running a family business, farm or otherwise.

It was also lovely to hear from Brian Armstrong from The Farming Community Network’s Cumbria Group on how they can help farming families – sometimes just having someone else to talk to and who will listen, can be enough to help you move forward.